Welcome To CSI Rajasthan

CSI Rajasthan: Society works toward the prevention of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) and the elimination of cardiovascular-vascular mortality to increase public awareness about heart diseases and nutritional diet. Work towards raising awareness of cardiovascular diseases and the correlation between environment and lifestyle.
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About CSI

Cardiological Society of India

The Cardiological Society of India (CSI) was conceived on April 4, 1948, in Calcutta. The Cardiological Society of Bengal was later conceived on 11 April 1946 by Dr. B.C. was done with. Roy, the unreliable doctor (who later became the Chief Minister of West Bengal) was its first President. Two years passed and on January 11, 1948, renowned doctors of India met in Calcutta and decided to form a National Society of Cardiologists.

Society works towards the prevention of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and the alleviation of cardiovascular-vascular mortality to raise awareness among people about cardiovascular diseases and nutritional diet. Work towards raising awareness of cardiovascular diseases and the correlation between environment and lifestyle. The India Heart Journal, the official journal of CSI, was started in Calcutta in 1949.

Cardiological Society of India is an active member of the International Society and Federation of Cardiology and Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology and SAARC Society of Cardiology and is working jointly with the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the American College of Cardiology (ACC). The present membership strength of the Society including foreign members is about four thousand four hundred. World Heart Day is celebrated every year on 29 September at CSI Headquarters and all other branches of CSI.

Our Committee Members

Here Are Some of Our CSI Committee Members

Our Photo Gallery

See all of our CSI Rajasthan Branch conference images and photos of events.


Conferences & Events of CSI Rajasthan

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